August 19, 2024
Earlier this week, Raphael Warnock endorsed a Trump-era immigration policy – Title 42 – to the chagrin of many on the Left. Last year, though, Warnock signed a letter demanding that the Biden administration eliminate Title 42. “When they finally arrived at Del Rio, Texas, many Haitians…were summarily expelled and deported without best interest determinations for children or screenings for international protection concerns,” Warnock and Democrats wrote in a letter to Joe Biden. Now, Warnock is calling on the Biden administration to not only keep Title 42 but to come up with an additional “plan” to keep our border secure. If you’re confused by his stance, you’re in good company. “Raphael Warnock must have seen Joe Biden’s approval numbers and is trying to distance himself from Democrats’ radical plans to open our border. Georgians will not believe Warnock’s hypocritical policy flip-flopping.” – Georgia Republican Party Press Secretary Dani Repass